Arek Jurasz

Software Engineer

equals operator in Groovy

October 27, 2019

If you come from Java land and are lucky enough then you probably write your tests in Spock using Groovy. Then you already know that Groovy allow overriding operators (you can find more about them in docs) and one of them is == which in contrast to Java does not compare objects reference but their equality through equals method.

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Micronaut, Testcontainers and Spock

August 25, 2019

Before adopting a new framework I always verify does it provide decent testing support. If you follow SOLID principles then to test your business logic you just need a test framework like JUnit or Spock. Things get complicated when we want to test our code on integration level where business logic and infrastructure code are glue together and check if they behave correctly. This post focuses on writing integration tests (IT) for Micronaut application.

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August 2, 2019

Recently I learned that MySQL 5.6 is so “nice” that it can provide default values for columns that have NOT NULL constrain when values for these columns are missing during insertion.

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Spring Boot Maven Plugin and provided scope

July 5, 2019

If you come from the JavaEE world you probably did set some of your project dependencies to the scope of provided if so then you can find one fact about spring-boot-maven-plugin to be interesting.

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Build a native image with GraalVM

June 8, 2019

Last month first production-ready version of GraalVM with number 19.0 was released. GraalVM is a virtual machine capable to run application written in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, LLVM-based languages like C, C++ and of course our beloved JVM-based languages like Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy and Clojure.

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